Rethinking Residency is a place for residents & fellows, current, former and prospective, and their families, to emerge from the darkness that is residency training, coming together to share their stories and insights.
This is not just another medical news site. We are here to support the chronically unsupported and provide a place for residents to learn, connect and grow.
There are startlingly few resources available to residents to cope with, what for many, ends up being a years long battle with chronic stress, lack of sleep, burnout, isolation and much more. The average ‘Wellness’ article is not designed for the reality of a resident’s schedule, and simply being told to ‘practice mindfulness’ can be more detrimental than anything else. The lack of information, shared stories, and in most cases, honesty, prevents so many residents from maintaining a healthy and well-rounded life. We aim to fix this, by providing a platform specifically created for physicians in training to feel supported and appreciated.
It’s an incredible paradox that being a doctor is so degrading and yet is so valued by society.
• Samuel Shem, The House of God
Rethinking Residency accepts submissions from any residents or fellows, current or former, as well as their families and friends. We look for honest and practical advice, tips and tricks, personal stories or whatever else you may have to offer. That story you think, ‘No one wants to hear about that’; there are probably thousands of residents that would absolutely love to hear about it. See our Submissions page for guidelines and more information.
Meet Our Founder