A place for residents to emerge from the dark.

  • What is Rethinking Residency?

    Rethinking Residency is a place for residents, current, former, prospective and their families, to emerge from the darkness that is residency training and come together to share their stories and insights.

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    About Rethinking Residency
  • Overcoming Addiction In Residency & Fellowship

    Overcoming Addiction In Residency & Fellowship

    Dr. McKeown tells her story of battling, and overcoming, addiction in both residency and fellowship. She tells her story so that others struggling with addiction or substance abuse can know that they are not alone.

  • How I Switched Residency Programs & Specialties

    How I Switched Residency Programs & Specialties

    The Nitty-Gritty – how I switched career paths two-thirds of the way through a residency program and the questions I asked myself as I contemplated doing a second residency.

  • Grief Myths That Impede Healing

    Grief Myths That Impede Healing

    Dealing with grief is a natural, but difficult, part of life. Unfortunately, there are some widespread myths that can make the process even more difficult. We explore a couple of these below: Myth #1: You will progress through stages of grief in a linear fashion. Reality: You may be familiar with the stages of grief…

  • Disenfranchised Grief

    Disenfranchised Grief

    Have you ever felt guilty for feeling grief? We’ve talked before about ways to cope with loss and access appropriate social support in difficult times. But what happens when you don’t think you have the right to feel the way you do?  Disenfranchised grief refers to grief that is unacknowledged or invalidated by others or…

  • The Hidden Curriculum: The Lessons of Microaggressions

    The Hidden Curriculum: The Lessons of Microaggressions

    “He didn’t mean anything by it when he did that.”  “She only said it because she doesn’t know any better.” “Don’t take it personally. They didn’t mean it that way.” Microaggressions refer to everyday, subtle, intentional, or unintentional interactions and behaviors that communicate some sort of bias toward historically marginalized groups. The term is not…

  • Techniques to Improve Focus

    Techniques to Improve Focus

    It is an ugly reality that sometimes our learning environments are incompatible with learning.  Sleep deprivation and stress can both lead to impaired cognitive performance. Low self-efficacy can reduce motivation and perseverance. Internal and external distractions can hinder concentration. Fortunately, there are evidence-based techniques to improve your focus and performance even in difficult circumstances.  Keep…

  • Strategies for Better Sleep as a Healthcare Worker

    Strategies for Better Sleep as a Healthcare Worker

    You may have seen the recent news article about an exhausted Boston nurse who accidentally drove off the top level of the hospital parking garage at the conclusion of her shift. For many of us, our empathy for her may be accompanied by a fear for ourselves, a knowledge that we too are so fatigued…

  • Mind Body Experiences of Residency

    Mind Body Experiences of Residency

    Let me tell you a story from my early doctor days to bring to life the mind body interactions that can occur when our inner mindsets, beliefs and assumptions, face circumstances that activate our ancestral stress-response survival systems. When I was a chief resident, I was given the opportunity for the first time to present…

The Premise

Now Is The Time To Rethink Residency!

Developed over 125 years ago in the US, modern residency training remains largely unchanged from its infancy. This site may not be able to spark a revolution, but helping even one resident is enough to justify the effort.

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