Frances Mei Hardin, MD is a practicing otolaryngologist in Middle Tennessee, serving a rural population at a community hospital. She obtained her undergraduate degree in biochemistry at the University of Notre Dame, attended medical school at Case Western Reserve University, and completed her otolaryngology residency training in Missouri. In addition to running her own clinic, Dr. Hardin is a featured speaker, author and passionate advocate for resident wellness.
“One of my passions is mentoring the next generation of surgeons. I approach the challenge with supportive guidance and concrete tools that residents can utilize during their training to optimize the experience, and have a roadmap for handling challenging situations.”

“That’s why I created Rethinking Residency, which has a wide array of resources ranging from the super practical to the deeply personal. I am grateful for the opportunity to create positive and constructive resources for current and future residents (as well as teaching skills that would benefit attendings).”